Friday, May 29, 2009

-last friday-

today is the last day of school before holidays start....
what i did in this 3 weeks of lower 6 life is the same for everyday...
maybe it's the nature for gals to gossip...
even we crap everyday...
but we still have tonnes of topics to chat....

~~my gossip queens~~

♥ mabel ♥
♥ myee ♥
♥ jess ♥
♥ seow hui ♥
♥ shing hui ♥
♥ junnie ♥
♥ li joan ♥

♥ us ♥



Jun said...

why its called last friday?
its not last la..
make me sad nia...

sh said...

wat i make u sad??
is u that start it 1st de k??
write till so qi cham in ur blog...
i read till so sad nia...

Jessica said...

why every1 so sad one???

Jun said...

then, its actually true ma...
really so sad...
can i hope u all wont get the transfer?

sh said...

[[loo]] junnie la... make me sad 1st de....

[[junnie]] er... i oso dunno... in dilema...

myee said...

yalo.. hopefully u all can't get a transfer. =)

sh said...


sh(mummy) said...

junny!!is it you?
the first comment =D
so the gossips queen stuff is this?
haha,should get a prettier picture of all before back on fri
i miss gossips!!!!

sh said...

i miss gossips wif u guys too!!!!

Jessica said...

LOL. is that sh shouting over there? hahahahahaha

sh said...

i tink so...